01-22-2011, 01:06 PM
Her is a tutorial I found useful on the subject.
hxxp: fictionality. co. uk / doku. php?id=tutorials:matchmoving
It uses a program called Voodoo. It is available for free from here
hxxp: www. digilab. uni-hannover. de / download. html
The program is experimental. It should also be noted that the free version does not allow commercial use of the program. If your looking at using it profesionally then you should look into another program. This should give you the general idea of how the concept works though. Good Luck
Also, no one format is preferred over the other. So you are good to go on any of them.
hxxp: fictionality. co. uk / doku. php?id=tutorials:matchmoving
It uses a program called Voodoo. It is available for free from here
hxxp: www. digilab. uni-hannover. de / download. html
The program is experimental. It should also be noted that the free version does not allow commercial use of the program. If your looking at using it profesionally then you should look into another program. This should give you the general idea of how the concept works though. Good Luck
Also, no one format is preferred over the other. So you are good to go on any of them.