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what is the difference between GIMP and PhotoShop in designi
I'd like to design for TomatoCart templates. I am a novice. Any suggestions about using GIMP and PS?
Well GIMP is a free open source Image editor, it's very powerful but it's a manual-based one. Which mean you will have to do mostly everything by your self. I do recommend this if you don't have the money to buy Photoshop. Now on the other hand, Photoshop is the top-of-the-line Image editing software. CS5 and the Elements versions. Photoshop CS5 has way more features and functionality than GIMP, and the Elements Version of Photoshop. However if you are just a novice user to start off I do recommend you using the Elements version, just to get used to the Interface.
Well, i use gimp to make web templates then import to photoshop- ''slice 'em up'' and then save it as ''HTML and Images and i finally edit with Adobe dream weaver.

<So the only different (in web template designing) i know / in my opinion is the ''Slicing'' !
I don't really know how to slice up my template in gimp cuz i think it hasn't that kind of interface but i'm pretty that PS does!

1. Photoshop is proprietary while GIMP is open source
2. Professional photographers prefer Photoshop over GIMP
3. GIMP is best for hobbyists or amateurs as a free alternative to Photoshop or as a learning tool before buying the expensive Adobe Imaging Suite
4. The Photoshop user interface is made up of a single window that contains child windows while the GIMP UI is composed of multiple windows
5. Photoshop is only available on Mac and Windows while GIMP versions are available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and UNIX

Good luck.

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